2025 is now Open.

Buying on behalf closing date (estimate ) :
End of APL 2025
Departure time (Estimate) :May or Jun 2025
Arriving time (Estimate)     :Aug or Sep 2025
We have Special Container shipping for NZ.
We can use our container space for your car Parts or Large items from JAPAN.


Yahoo JAPAN is Largest Online Auctions :
Yahoo Japan Auction
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Note :  Minimum Freight Charges are 1m3.
(Item Cost + Japan domestic shipping + Customs + Freight Min$395 )+GST.

You can combine with some kind of items.

Note : Yahoo self import service is buying on behalf Service. you have to choose the item.
we can support for finding / search word on Yahoo by Japanese Language . if give us email or  Most Common search on Yahoo from this button.

please complete following form below. We can give you the NZ$ D2D quote by email.
Note 1 : *We need Payment before purchasing or Biddings.
*We will refund if the bid was not success. However we will charge the bidding fee. 
Note 2 :This service is Buy on behalf. We can not cover damage of goods.

    Note 1 : *We need Payment before purchasing orBiddings. *We will refund if the bid was not success. However we will charge the bidding fee. 
    Note 2 :This service is Buy on behalf .We can not cover damage of goods.